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Image by Harshil Gudka

Ben walks Kilimanjaro backwards

In February 2024, Ben is embarking on his toughest expedition yet, to become only the third person in history to walk Kilimanjaro backwards.


The Story so far...

The backwards adventures started in 2019, where I walked up Snowdon as a 'tester'. It was a huge success and the idea was born. Carrying on with the trend of backwards challenges, I went on to complete a 30 mile hike and most recently became the first person to walk the UK 3 peak challenge backwards.


What's the cause?

Walking Kilimanjaro has a 2 point cause. Mainly raising money and awareness for the work and research the British Heart Foundation do. Secondly, the personal challenge of completing the highest free standing mountain in the world. Being only the third person in history to do so.


Why Kilimanjaro?

Kilimanjaro is the most unique peak in the world. We'll be walking through five different ecosystems. Up to the highest point in Africa and the highest free standing mountain in the world. This 8 day trek is the highest point on earth I can walk backwards up without the need of any mountaineering skills.


Why Kilimanjaro? It's the highest point on the planet I can walk to...

Sponsorship Oppotunities

With the scale of a trip like this, I'm hoping businesses far and wide can connect to the challenge and help to make it happen. So if you're a company that has a personal connection with the British Heart Foundation, or if you are an adventurer at heart and would like to support me on my trip I'm offering some packages to do just that.

If you are interested in the corporate sponsors I am offering please get in touch. There is a package to suit small independent businesses and larger worldwide corporations.


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